Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Almost Christmas
Hey, there everyone how is the last week of Christmas coming? It is rather busy here. Not really working if you must know I am playing around. Having a good old time. Well, a few know I had to go on a short vacation. It has been interesting lots of driving which of course I love. Other than that I have a lot of work to do when I get home. Keep me posted I know many of you are out traveling as well. Hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas! BIG HUG......
Friday, December 11, 2009
December is here full force....
Wow, where have I been! Truth be known I haven't a clue the weeks just flew. I spent most of my time dealing with a business deal, my writing and artistic dolls. Shocked that even with the slow economy I have managed to sell them. On top of which the Ebay store is running so add that into the hectic days. The weather has gone very cold something I dread at this time of the year. I would love to rewind to Summer or at least Spring. Sorry, all you die hard skiers! Just hand me some hot chocolate....Have a great week you guys. Keep me informed if nothing else remind me what day it is. ;)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hey there guys! I am back with a vengeance! Just what the doctor ordered spending time with friends. Really had a great time with them. Must do it more often. Oh, I know we spend alot of time on the cell and IM but its such fun to actually see the person. You know forget their little quirks. So, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Now gearing up for Christmas and a new year. Time to hit the keyboard loading the conclusion on Nano last day you know! ;) see you on cyber world
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving in the States!
Hey everyone hope you all had a great Thanksgiving this year! Did meet the word count on Nanowrimo. The conclusion to the story will be post in there Sunday night. I am off to visit friends in San Francisco. Need a quick trip. See you all when I get back unless you are one of the few I am meeting tomorrow. Have a great weekend talk with you all very soon! Cross your fingers I don't get any speeding tickets. ;)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wow, the year is flying.....
Taking the time to post really quick before I settle down to watch the movie Up. Reading my emails this morning realized how much my life changed this year. Not sure if any of you have gone threw something similar. If you have will you share, please. As it is I think I am totally nuts. Completely stopped watching television the queen of re-runs has become an avatar. So, besides picking up writing as a recent hobby I no longer follow the news channel, movies of any kind or any mystery shows. My passion really Quincy, Columbo, Ellery Queen, Murder she wrote, Nancy drew and Hardy boys, pretty much any detective show out there. Oh, lets not forget Matlock love his accent. Then again my one and only comedy show I watched The Nanny. So, as I read the emails laugh sorting my activities for the day with an order waiting in the wings, my typing and errands. The day flew my only thought I can't wait to run to the movie theater to see New Moon. I think do I miss television? Actually, I really don't if I need more I read, take a drive or call a friend. Do I need a vacation? Hell yes, along with everyone else out there living as an avatar.
Many of you have been as quiet as a mouse tiptoeing around so I can finish the contest. Don't worry no need to tiptoe I miss you guys....See you on Cyber world pick a spot catch you there. ;)
Many of you have been as quiet as a mouse tiptoeing around so I can finish the contest. Don't worry no need to tiptoe I miss you guys....See you on Cyber world pick a spot catch you there. ;)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What day is it?
Shocked to see how long since I posted. What have I been doing?
Found a comment this morning on my post about death in July. Funny thing about my original post was it all started when a close friend sent me a goodbye email. Being the marhsmellow I can be around bad news. Completely broke down as I read she had cancer and was only expected to live three months. Contacted her immediately, she was one of the few women that helped me learn the art of reborning. Along the way we became friends. So, as I read this mornings comment by anonymous immediately thought of my friend. Eventually, that lead to my thoughts of my dad who although wasn't the nicest person in the world his death still very vivid in my mind. He also died from cancer his evolution into the inevitable ripped threw me like nothing else I had ever experience. Realized then I would never get over it. Years later, I find the one thing I was glad to have experienced was the last glimmer of the person that threw many trials and tribulations contributed to the woman I eventually became. His only concern during his last hours where that I was financially secure and happy. To this day when I think of him my eyes tear over.
Now breaking away from death, The rest of my week will be writing for nano dealing with 2 doll orders. I must say the friends that catch me on IM have been incredibly understanding and rarely pop in since they understand how crazy I am when I am writing. A big thank you to all of you guys. Catch you on cyber world.....
Found a comment this morning on my post about death in July. Funny thing about my original post was it all started when a close friend sent me a goodbye email. Being the marhsmellow I can be around bad news. Completely broke down as I read she had cancer and was only expected to live three months. Contacted her immediately, she was one of the few women that helped me learn the art of reborning. Along the way we became friends. So, as I read this mornings comment by anonymous immediately thought of my friend. Eventually, that lead to my thoughts of my dad who although wasn't the nicest person in the world his death still very vivid in my mind. He also died from cancer his evolution into the inevitable ripped threw me like nothing else I had ever experience. Realized then I would never get over it. Years later, I find the one thing I was glad to have experienced was the last glimmer of the person that threw many trials and tribulations contributed to the woman I eventually became. His only concern during his last hours where that I was financially secure and happy. To this day when I think of him my eyes tear over.
Now breaking away from death, The rest of my week will be writing for nano dealing with 2 doll orders. I must say the friends that catch me on IM have been incredibly understanding and rarely pop in since they understand how crazy I am when I am writing. A big thank you to all of you guys. Catch you on cyber world.....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
First week of Nano.......
Super sorry if I have missed your calls lately been busy typing tend to forget to keep the phone at hand. It's on my desk otherwise feel free to reach me on line. I haven't ditched the emails. Still doing my regular work could use a majic wand here. I am doing the writing for the contest at night. So far I have over 19,000 words not too bad considering I am not doing much but work these days. Would love to hear from you! Thanks for all your encouragement very much appreciated. Sending out Big Hugs to you all, Take Care..........
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Inspire me..........
Hi everyone, well after careful consideration decided to just sit down and bang away on my computer. Let the plot of the story take hold. Much to my surprise I was able to type out the first 2000 words in a few short hours. After posting my accomplishment on the word count score board at Nanowrimo continued typing. You guys were right the story would come to me. So, there it is the beginning of my new novel can see the characters clearly am starting to fall for the plot. Good thing since I get to write it.lol
You know if it doesn't grab me there is no way I can finish the novel. Just one of my quirky rules. It has to strike me as something I would personally enjoy reading. Some of you have read some of my work and glad to say I got really good feedback, so cross your fingers really like the direction this piece is taking now to just add the twists and turns. Have a great week you guys see you on cyber space pick a place. LOL
You know if it doesn't grab me there is no way I can finish the novel. Just one of my quirky rules. It has to strike me as something I would personally enjoy reading. Some of you have read some of my work and glad to say I got really good feedback, so cross your fingers really like the direction this piece is taking now to just add the twists and turns. Have a great week you guys see you on cyber space pick a place. LOL
Monday, October 26, 2009
What a rush......
The month is quickly coming to a close. After deciding to participate in Nanowrimo find myself getting very nervous. Needed a push to start the Scifi novel I have been thinking about writing. It's starting to feel like I am headed to the dentist office for major repairs. Thank goodness my friends are always ready with the encouragement and support. Not sure why you all think I can accomplish this little feat. Makes me smile when I read your emails. What would I do without all your positive feedback. Cross your fingers I can finish this novel in November. Decided to do some extra reading this week to get myself into my writing mood. Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween! Take care.....
Monday, October 19, 2009
What's up..............
Wow, the week flew and I forgot to post. I have been busy here with the dolls of course. I am working on two this week while I wait for some supplies to complete them. Shipping out two other orders this week. Haven't really had the time to finish the conclusion its just dragging. Meanwhile, I am boosting Myspace site and linked it to Twitter but I have scaled back a bit to finish my work. Being connected sure can impact your time constraints. Not complaining you all know I love being connected. Sure many of you completely understand my point of view. Then I forgot to listen to the cell phone messages Oh boy did that cause an up roar. My family thought I died. So, I had to delete all the messages since I left the thing on vibrate. Only catch the calls if its on my desk clamoring and I see it. The best place is IM messanger to catch me and emails. Anyone getting ready to attend Halloween parties? Have a Fab week everyone see you soon..........
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mid week
Boy the weekend flew for me ended up working threw it on a doll. Then I took Monday and Tuesday off that was my weekend. Tomorrow I have to wrap it up. Need to concentrate on the conclusion which I have neatly tucked away at the back of my mind. Has to be completed so I can get ready for the holidays. I just know they are going to be hectic usually that way in the doll world. Must say myspace is very much losing ground with the cyber world. Decided to revamp my sight and add new friends then linked it to Twitter. I still prefer Twitter to all the other sites out there. Have met some really nice folks on Twitter highly recommend it. Have a Fab week catch you later.....
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cracking down on painting just finished the second layer. So, not even 1/4 finished. Did do some minimal work on the novel but stopped after I decided to take a step back and assess the conclusion. Just isn't meshing right. Hard to explain since its still in production. Other than this nothing is going on. Noticed many people had to step back a bit to work with the temptation to post on twitter instead of working. Surprised to find this week evaporated quickly. Want to connect find me on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and my website. If you ever want to IM me just drop me line and will meet you there. Have a great weekend...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Finally got around to posting being so very bad this weekend. Just pretty much ditched the many connections. Sorry about that! Many of you know me only online so your not necessarily aware of how unconventional I can be. I probably crossed the line this weekend without intending to which of course I regret now. Then a friend on Twitter suggested it was probably due to the full Moon. Of course I laughed at the suggestion. Then I pulled up the full moon calendar on line he was right the full moon was Sunday. Growing up in San Francisco I remember so many people would lead their crazy lives checking when the full moon was approaching. I worked in the medical field at the time and the receptionist swore all the crazy things people do was inspired by the influence of the full moon. Being completely practical I always thought that was a silly notion. Today this comment brought a smile to my face. Thank goodness for online friends. Their comments and support always makes me feel so much better. If there was ever a reason why I should keep my online presence is because I would miss out on the wonderful people I have met.....
Sending out one order this week but will be writing that is a promise must get my head screwed back on properly. Have a great week guys your the BEST.......
Sending out one order this week but will be writing that is a promise must get my head screwed back on properly. Have a great week guys your the BEST.......
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What's New...........
Well not much other than the temperature here dropped 30 degrees. Not writing all this week have one order due to leave hopefully tomorrow. I am working on nothing but dolls this week. Have to get my Holiday store up and running on line. So, close to finishing the novel yet I can't work on it until I get my other work out of the way. Need so much coffee due to the insomnia that plagued me this week sure its the unfinished novel needling me. Feel the holidays will fly this year. Still on Twitter which has been so much fun. Guess that about wraps up this week. I linked my website to this blog you can check out some of the other places I lurk.......
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
First week of Fall......
Crazy week everything so disorganized. The work that needed to go out is gone. Now reviewing the typed stuffed. I read the pages half way threw it lose my concentration its been grueling. Need to focus otherwise don't catch the mistakes. Other than that the cell and IM have been busier than normal. Completely forgot the cell this morning realized I left it at home. That thing is like a ball and chain....Bet there other people who completely understand. Downloaded several songs I posted on Twitter loved the cd I made it is awesome! LOL.....well have a good week!
Friday, September 18, 2009
This week has been a success cleared so far 44 pages in the writing and shipped out an order. So, that has been done without the extended hours I normally have to put into my work. Incredibly hectic schedule has kept me on target all week. The writing is progressing swiftly hope to finish by next week if I don't change the scenario which I am contemplating. Thanks for understanding the dodged calls follow me on Twitter post daily. I love to add music that I listen to wide variety along with silly quotes. Have a great weekend!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Working slowly but surely on the novel. Not progressing as quickly as in the past but work is in progress. The interruptions are endless. Missed so many calls on the cell and the house phone the ringer is off. Who knows how many messages are on it. The emails well I have been keeping on those not a big deal. Twitter has become a bit of distraction only because well I enjoy connecting with people. Have to re-organize myself here the paperwork is stacking up nicely. Not taking my afternoon drives these days miss them. Feel free to join me on Twitter. Have a great day.
Monday, September 7, 2009
New plans...
New ideas are springing to mind as the week starts here.....Besides the fact that we are going into Indian Summer my mind is a flutter with new ideas I will be working into the sci-fi book. I just got back from seeing the movie G.I. Joe it was very good. I highly recommend it. Many of the scenes pulled the creativity right out of me. Love movies that draw you right in and hold your attention until the very end. Then you sigh.....I love those better than chocolate. Well that is your update guys see you all soon somewhere in cyberspace....
Friday, August 28, 2009
end of the week
Hi everyone I caught a bit of a cold this week so I am taking some time off. Will let you know how the novel turns out I have a long weekend if I can get rid of the cold. So, hard to be good. Talk with you soon the IM is on if you need me. Have a great Friday.....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Working on the novel
Hi guys, I am back to working on the novel. Wish me luck on finishing the last few pages. As soon as this third book is finished I can start on the Sci-fi book Abnormal. Hope you have a great weekend. Talk with you soon.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I am going to shoot myself haven't finished the novel what the hell is wrong with me. So not me.....Now I have to clean the house god hate those days when I would rather be at a pool with a nice cool drink. Hm that sounds delectable actually. Better behave myself or I won't get a dam thing done. So, now you know feel like a slug today going to fix that right now.....Off to do my work. Have fun for me....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Domingo en la noche estoy escuchando a Emanuele la cancion Con Que Derecho. Me encanta esta cancion. Recuerdo las noches que estuve con mis primos en Mexico. Los extrano mucho ultimamente. Pensando en mi cuento pienso que necesito empezar a escribir de nuevo. Tengo que mantener un horario no es como antes. Perdi algo o me falta algo.
Hasta pronto..
Hasta pronto..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Writing is not coming along so great to many other responsibilities have been interfering. Part of life I guess. I will be starting my owlish activities tonight in hopes of getting in the needed work on the novel or I will never finish on schedule.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I forgot there was 31 days this month. Well I did finish the custom order doll and its gone. Need to get back to the writing this week since I finished the order. Would love to finish the novel by the middle of August so I can start on Abnormal the sci-fi work.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday ...............July 28, 2009
Still working on the custom order dolls. So, not really taking phone calls returning emails primarily. When I finish the two dolls I will let you know. Not really answering the yahoo messenger miss most of the pop ups since I am working away from the computer. See you soon
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hey everyone sorry I have started ditching calls again. Got off track on my latest novel so really affects my mood. Anyway, this week I won't be working on the computer as much. I have two custom orders to finish one has to be shipped by the 30th of July. Needless to say installing the hair one strand at a time takes a few days. I use expensive mohair at $40 dollars an ounce very thin soft hair. I will try my best to keep in touch. Nothing else is going on thankfully. Talk with you soon, have a great evening.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Coming to terms with death not my best subject. What is it about death? The finality of the culmination of a persons life or something else? Maybe its that nothing really matters what and who you are evaporates as you pass on. So, who really deals with death? The friends of those that have to deal with the mourning period. Dreadful for the living. When I buried my father the attendant said why bother spending a lot of money on the burial its not going to affect the deceased is it? Detachment from death shocked and electrified me. Just another phase in life what the hell we are here for a brief point in time. Why try to be the best you can be its ending anyway. What will you leave when you die?
Coming to terms with death not my best subject. What is it about death? The finality of the culmination of a persons life or something else? Maybe its that nothing really matters what and who you are evaporates as you pass on. So, who really deals with death? The friends of those that have to deal with the mourning period. Dreadful for the living. When I buried my father the attendant said why bother spending a lot of money on the burial its not going to affect the deceased is it? Detachment from death shocked and electrified me. Just another phase in life what the hell we are here for a brief point in time. Why try to be the best you can be its ending anyway. What will you leave when you die?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Arms curled around my shivering body watched in awe the body emerging from the turbulent black waters god like in his stance. Dare not breath his strong swift strides sliced threw the water. Inhaling gently his head snapped back too late dark sockets pierced the night. Strong strides changed direction main target in sight swung himself over the rocks separating me from the ocean. Unable to move stared with impending doom strong arms grasped mine brutally, sneer on his lips sunk his teeth into the side of my neck. His touch scorched my skin not unlike a burn. Dropped viciously at his feet beckoned me to follow him. Touched the bite mark pearl like welt formed rapidly under my exploration. Come here he barked. Adrenaline raced threw me flying from the rocks sped down the length of the isolated beach. Fierce grip encircled my ankles pulling them swiftly behind me hit the sand one fast thud. Strong arms unceremoniously threw me over his shoulder back in the direction of the rocks.
Barely conscious as we approached a dark alley felt my self hit the side of a hard cold surface. Hot fingers probed my body pushing my clothing aside struggling was futile frozen in some catatonic state. Shudders raged threw my body hot water washed over me demanding I wake up. Conscious of his anger futile movements pushed the beast to shake me violently. Screams escaped my soar cracked lips. Stay awake he barked or I will kill you. Leaning against the nearest wall took in his dark shape strange looked human but the strength and bite marks challenged that assumption. What are you spoke barely audible? Sneer marred his handsome features the devil he laughed maliciously. No please tell me? Turned to face me his eyes took on an eerie blue color not human and you won’t be either if you stay awake. We leave at dawn back to the water he barked by my ear stay awake or he grinned a cruel glimmer jumped in his eyes.
I concentrated on his movements to keep me awake. What is your name? Avoiding his electric blue eyes said Adair. Unusual name he mused pulling open a door light blazed out revealing cylindrical chamber. Stepped into the chamber light engulfed him. Don’t fall asleep he warned as the capsule closed shut leaving me alone on the dark cold surface. Unable to move concentrated on his warning.
Barely conscious as we approached a dark alley felt my self hit the side of a hard cold surface. Hot fingers probed my body pushing my clothing aside struggling was futile frozen in some catatonic state. Shudders raged threw my body hot water washed over me demanding I wake up. Conscious of his anger futile movements pushed the beast to shake me violently. Screams escaped my soar cracked lips. Stay awake he barked or I will kill you. Leaning against the nearest wall took in his dark shape strange looked human but the strength and bite marks challenged that assumption. What are you spoke barely audible? Sneer marred his handsome features the devil he laughed maliciously. No please tell me? Turned to face me his eyes took on an eerie blue color not human and you won’t be either if you stay awake. We leave at dawn back to the water he barked by my ear stay awake or he grinned a cruel glimmer jumped in his eyes.
I concentrated on his movements to keep me awake. What is your name? Avoiding his electric blue eyes said Adair. Unusual name he mused pulling open a door light blazed out revealing cylindrical chamber. Stepped into the chamber light engulfed him. Don’t fall asleep he warned as the capsule closed shut leaving me alone on the dark cold surface. Unable to move concentrated on his warning.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Simply Sunday
Joined several google groups so incredibly fun to read what people are posting. Twitter has been very amusing tool, takes my mind off the novel. Other than reading and writting have done nothing else, so lazy this weekend. Fine with that rarely do this, its summer! Hope to go visit friends and family in San Francisco. Visiting Alcatraz, love that place hope the weather holds out.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Publishing ideas are bouncing around in my head. Not interested in self publications, would love to try to shop the novel around. Did join Writers Market.com, need to find more writers. Joined a few other sites but they have been a big dissappointment.
Thinking about the different writing styles, was drawn to Stephen King's novels. Seen several of his movies just have to sit down read the books, looking for some inspiration for a mystery novel. Sense this one will be a hard book to write. My other two books were funny light hearted so much like me, a breeze to write. Must have been my mood at the time.
Thinking about the different writing styles, was drawn to Stephen King's novels. Seen several of his movies just have to sit down read the books, looking for some inspiration for a mystery novel. Sense this one will be a hard book to write. My other two books were funny light hearted so much like me, a breeze to write. Must have been my mood at the time.
Friday, May 29, 2009
FINALLY........May 28, 2009 post
Insane day here! Didn't spend any time on the new novel I am writting, started it yesterday only did six pages. Itching to start this morning decided to let it go, hate waking up so early, more of a night owl! Did get the blog set up in between my work online, raced away today just on the computer. Music, blarring of course the only way to work when I am concentrating on things.
Couldn't find any music to fit drove me crazy! UGH! Hate that, with a passion. Please inspire me with new music, need it desperately, love drums, electric guitar, loud stuff you know with a beat, image it playing loudly while your whipping up long winding roads, windows must be down! The only way to drive, lol.
Do you miss developing your first novel? Curious having a horrid time dropping mine!
Couldn't find any music to fit drove me crazy! UGH! Hate that, with a passion. Please inspire me with new music, need it desperately, love drums, electric guitar, loud stuff you know with a beat, image it playing loudly while your whipping up long winding roads, windows must be down! The only way to drive, lol.
Do you miss developing your first novel? Curious having a horrid time dropping mine!
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