Hi everyone,
Sorry I have been very busy settling in my new home. I was delighted to see a message that I had been missed. Now don't we all love being missed at one time or another in our hectic crazy lives.
I am happy to say I have missed you all! Have not done much with my writing or dolls for that matter. We have all seen how many stores across the country have had to revamp their selling techniques to bring in clients or close up shop. I have been greatly sadden to see the decline in some of the local stores. You know the ones I mean the little guys that struggle with the bigger companies. How many of you really think back to when you were growing up and grin with those nostalgic moments that strike a cord when you walk down memory lane. I know for certain many still remember the five and dime stores. Or how about Woolworth's that was a big chain for its time period. I am one of those that loves to revisit the past and think wow, I use to walk right by this shop or have ice cream at Mitchell's in San Francisco with my dad. Those are the moments that really get me when its all said and done.
So, I am back maybe not as many posts as before but I would love to hear from you. It makes for a pleasant change..........
Thanks so much for reading my comments a pleasure to share a thought or two with you ;)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
OMG........what month is it?
Hey there,
I am so sorry have been MIA for several weeks. Just moved not too long ago so let's say I am on sabattical! Don't you just love that word! Hope your summer went without a hitch...........
See you all later this week.........;) big hug
I am so sorry have been MIA for several weeks. Just moved not too long ago so let's say I am on sabattical! Don't you just love that word! Hope your summer went without a hitch...........
See you all later this week.........;) big hug
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Finally some warm weather!
Sorry, I have been missing in action for some time. I must confess the most exciting thing to happen to me lately was getting stranded in California. Those who know me personally understand how insanely active I am. I had already planned to go to San Francisco the Memorial Day weekend but had caught the most annoying cold. Thought well, there goes the mini vacation!
Should have know that I would encounter destiny beating on my door. Not being one to verify road conditions other than to ask a family member. I head out the door cold and all to deliver a puppy to Colfax, California. Oh, brother is putting it mildly when out of the blue as I reached the top of Lake Tahoe a sign was posted to slow the speed to under 40 miles. Thought so much for roaring up the hills. Following the directions ran head long into a blanket of white low clouds talk about threw rain, sleet and snow to get this puppy to its new owners. Started thinking what if they close the roads, shit and I didn't pack anything but myself and the puppy and her mom (Peanut).
Of course, you realize I was unable to get back home. So, there I was surrounded by trucks and cars and my chains had been thoughtfully removed out of my vehicle. Hm, I started to think as I called my friends in San Francisco. I took a vote and drove straight home to San Francisco. Oh, God what a beautiful drive that was as I crossed the Bay Bridge granted it was sprinkling but you know who cares. I was loving this crazy trip windows rolled down and music blaring. I just couldn't get over the beauty of the big golden moon dancing in the sky greeting me as I whipped threw the bridge.
I must confess, it was the most fun time I have had with my friends and uncle. We did so much in the days I was there. Cold or no cold I wasn't about to lay low. Hell no, we took peanut with us everywhere and just talked about all the fun times we shared in high school even hit the church we all attended. Had to laugh, got my car and my lip gloss what else could I possibly need. So, with this adventure in mind this came to mind "Insanity is the basis of all humanity". Have a great month see you soon.......... ;)
Oh, they loved the puppy and I got several text messages from the family. Made me laugh what a week!
Should have know that I would encounter destiny beating on my door. Not being one to verify road conditions other than to ask a family member. I head out the door cold and all to deliver a puppy to Colfax, California. Oh, brother is putting it mildly when out of the blue as I reached the top of Lake Tahoe a sign was posted to slow the speed to under 40 miles. Thought so much for roaring up the hills. Following the directions ran head long into a blanket of white low clouds talk about threw rain, sleet and snow to get this puppy to its new owners. Started thinking what if they close the roads, shit and I didn't pack anything but myself and the puppy and her mom (Peanut).
Of course, you realize I was unable to get back home. So, there I was surrounded by trucks and cars and my chains had been thoughtfully removed out of my vehicle. Hm, I started to think as I called my friends in San Francisco. I took a vote and drove straight home to San Francisco. Oh, God what a beautiful drive that was as I crossed the Bay Bridge granted it was sprinkling but you know who cares. I was loving this crazy trip windows rolled down and music blaring. I just couldn't get over the beauty of the big golden moon dancing in the sky greeting me as I whipped threw the bridge.
I must confess, it was the most fun time I have had with my friends and uncle. We did so much in the days I was there. Cold or no cold I wasn't about to lay low. Hell no, we took peanut with us everywhere and just talked about all the fun times we shared in high school even hit the church we all attended. Had to laugh, got my car and my lip gloss what else could I possibly need. So, with this adventure in mind this came to mind "Insanity is the basis of all humanity". Have a great month see you soon.......... ;)
Oh, they loved the puppy and I got several text messages from the family. Made me laugh what a week!
Monday, May 10, 2010
It's May....where have I been?
You know what the year is just flying for me! How about you guys? Not sure how the months can swoop this way. Haven't done any writing for the script contest. Just realized too many ores in the water. So, have to work on previous written work that needs attention. That and I am looking for an agent. Otherwise, how is everyone doing? Have heard from a few of you guys when you catch me. Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Enjoy the rest of the month will post as soon as I get some free time. I should think of something creative to share......just give me a bit and will post something. Still on Twitter, Facebook and My Space see you soon ;)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
OMG...............WHERE WAS I
Ok, I have no excuse I just vanished! You know I do tend to evaporate.....How about you how are you guys at staying in touch, answering calls, getting back to friends. Just pull the paddle out now you know I am notorious for evading those little details.
I must say, the month flew and some how I didn't finish what I planned out. Don't get me wrong I completed most of the things I mapped out. Now I run around with a larger calendar scheduling appointments and ditching the cell phone. Thank god my mother doesn't have this blog address! Go ahead laugh but I am not alone here I see most of you out there do this sort of thing from time to time.
Where have all my funny followers gone to? I wonder what sort of silly things they themselves are doing as they read this post. You better watch out I may just sneak up on you, pull you out come to Twitter........I miss you guys big Hug.
Oh yea, what am I doing? Well, I am suppose to be writing in Script Frenzy but I have yet to start. Think I will just push my limits a bit. Going to wait until Friday then let it rip. I only need 100 pages of a script. Hm, what could I write about must give it some thought.....lol night! ;)
I must say, the month flew and some how I didn't finish what I planned out. Don't get me wrong I completed most of the things I mapped out. Now I run around with a larger calendar scheduling appointments and ditching the cell phone. Thank god my mother doesn't have this blog address! Go ahead laugh but I am not alone here I see most of you out there do this sort of thing from time to time.
Where have all my funny followers gone to? I wonder what sort of silly things they themselves are doing as they read this post. You better watch out I may just sneak up on you, pull you out come to Twitter........I miss you guys big Hug.
Oh yea, what am I doing? Well, I am suppose to be writing in Script Frenzy but I have yet to start. Think I will just push my limits a bit. Going to wait until Friday then let it rip. I only need 100 pages of a script. Hm, what could I write about must give it some thought.....lol night! ;)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Busy March
Well, getting closer to Script Frenzy in April.....Any of you doing it this year? I am in for sure just have to finish some of the projects I have going on here at the moment. Have not been on Yahoo IM that often sorry about that been on Facebook if that helps you guys catch me. Have a Great week!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Where is she?
Hey hey guys, right here. Well, the time has whipped right by me as usual. How about you guys? Haven't heard too many peeps lately. Wow, maybe we aren't living as Avatars. You know I need to come up with some new topics on here. Any ideas or things you want to read about just drop me line. I promise to address them. Cross my heart and all that! Have a fantastic week drive safely and take care. ;)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday..........
Alright, yes I did watch the game today. I was betting on the New Orleans Saints to win the game. Thrilled to see they got their first victory! I was dancing and screaming along with them made the others at home wonder what the heck is going on.
I only watch the Super Bowl. Rarely do I follow the games during the season unless it's a team I hate playing. Yea, yea suppose to follow the teams you like. My favorite team is the San Francisco 49ers. Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday. Catch you guys on IM, Twitter, Myspace and Facebook let's just throw the cell in the bay. ;)
I only watch the Super Bowl. Rarely do I follow the games during the season unless it's a team I hate playing. Yea, yea suppose to follow the teams you like. My favorite team is the San Francisco 49ers. Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday. Catch you guys on IM, Twitter, Myspace and Facebook let's just throw the cell in the bay. ;)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
January Vanished.........
Thank you all for the emails and posts wishing me a Happy Birthday! Many of you asked what I was going to do today. Well, truth be known I really don't celebrate it much other than the cake and time with my family. Not many of you are aware that I completely forget how old I am. Giggling, really so many are shocked but I can't tell you the times someone has asked I have to think. Guess to me age is a number sort of insignificant because well, how many of you really feel your age? I sure don't, sometimes I feel 105 and most days I am 29.
As to what I decided to do was make clay pens. Promised to send some to friends and today was the day to keep the promise. Hope you all have a great week. See you on cyber pick a spot I'll meet you there! =)
As to what I decided to do was make clay pens. Promised to send some to friends and today was the day to keep the promise. Hope you all have a great week. See you on cyber pick a spot I'll meet you there! =)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I didn't forget this time.........lol
Thought I better get in here you know how bad I can be about posting. No it's not because I don't remember you guys. It's because I am Blonde. Alright, just kidding I know I am a ham. Anyway, spent the day working on my computer writing. Think I am becoming a workaholic. Tisk, tisk several of you who follow me and you know who you are share my same addiction. Oh yea, I forgot I am not a BOT either, had to throw that one in there. James if your watching. I am keeping my eye on you. Today was a very slow paced day. Don't mind those much do you? Itching to read a book by Ann Rule hopefully tomorrow. Anyone read her books?
Dam this month is flying had this conversation with someone in line yesterday. Funny thing about those situations is how easily I catch myself watching perfect strangers. Ever do that sort of thing. Well, I do love to watch people interact always have. Unfortunately, it's a short lived experience because before you know it I have become engaged in a conversation. I rather like those moments it adds spice to my day.
Have a fantastic week you guys, miss you as always. Drop me a line you know where to find me. *wink*
Dam this month is flying had this conversation with someone in line yesterday. Funny thing about those situations is how easily I catch myself watching perfect strangers. Ever do that sort of thing. Well, I do love to watch people interact always have. Unfortunately, it's a short lived experience because before you know it I have become engaged in a conversation. I rather like those moments it adds spice to my day.
Have a fantastic week you guys, miss you as always. Drop me a line you know where to find me. *wink*
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Mid January...
Hi everyone, sorry I have been so wrapped up in my work. Well, you know how insane I can be when I have several projects bouncing around my head. On top of which I am working on the income taxes, just my favorite activity. Dread January recovering from the holidays and getting back into a normal work schedule which by the way has been so disorganized. At the suggestion of a friend I have been wise enough to downsize my ever growing email accounts. How many of you have several accounts well I am down to 4 due to blogs and groups I joined. Hope you are all settling into the new year. I have heard from a few of you if you want to follow me on Twitter or Myspace would love to connect with you. Big hug to you all and see you soon. Hey Script Frenzy is coming up in April I can't wait.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January here I come.......
Hey guys, sorry been out of town for a while not back in the swing of things. So lazy lately barely moving it seems. How was everyone's New Year? Hope it was Fantastic! We pretty much laid low good thing since I picked up a cold. Other than that nothing new on my home front. How are things rolling in your backyard? Let me know love to hear from you.
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