
"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. . . . Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. . . . Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia."(E. L. Doctorow)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Working slowly but surely on the novel. Not progressing as quickly as in the past but work is in progress. The interruptions are endless. Missed so many calls on the cell and the house phone the ringer is off. Who knows how many messages are on it. The emails well I have been keeping on those not a big deal. Twitter has become a bit of distraction only because well I enjoy connecting with people. Have to re-organize myself here the paperwork is stacking up nicely. Not taking my afternoon drives these days miss them. Feel free to join me on Twitter. Have a great day.


Ron said...

Twitter can do that. I get off and then back on a day later and find all these people had messaged me and I feel mean for ignoring them. But you gotta work sometime. =-) I love San Fran every time I visit.

Just M.... said...

Glad to see Twitter is affecting more than just myself. Thanks for posting your comment nice to see I am really not all alone in cyber space ;)

Matt LaClear said...

Twitter is a physiologically necessity these days given the fact we socialize so poorly anymore. If it wasn't for our friends and interactions on twitter I fear we would all turn into pseudo versions of Howard Hughes secluded in our own little worlds, sitting and trying our damndest to look and act busy. I for one appreciate your company.

Just M.... said...

Sad state of affairs if we have to depend on social media but you are right. Glad to have your company sure beats the alternative.

About Me

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San Francisconite, love the wind, ocean and fog, passionately!